BigSafe Technology AB

What do we stand for?

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About Us and Contact Details

We are a sector independent consultant with good access to state of the art research. Among others we collaborate with Prof. Josef Bigun (Signal Analysis Chair at HH) and his co-workers.

Our strength in the market is our being in front line in the pattern recognition field, with particular focus on biometric signal processing, including recognition of humans with or without determination of their identities as well as tracking them within or accross numerous signal types (e.g. face, fingerprint, iris, lip-motion, speech, gait, hand geometry). We have the top knowledge that is required to solve demanding issues of identification, verification and tracking.

This said, we would like to assist you with our knowledge in meeting your goals, which could include:

  • assure safety of the employees
  • assure safety of the public
  • assure safety of the production
  • compliance of the authority requirements
  • avoid bad-will
  • etc.

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