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1 november 2009

Effektfull textil-konst isf tavlor

Kanadensiska konstnären Barbara Wisnoski gör stora textila collage med utpräglad tredimensionell känsla, av återvunna, mosaikstora tygbitar. Från hennes webbplats: I am interested in the relationship between texture and time. The process of building a piece, whereby a fabric loses its singular quality and becomes part of the whole, reminds me of how time washes a harmonious patina over objects and memories. The prospect of decay is key to the work: seeing how pieces done long ago have changed over time reminds me that they were made from living fibres and, like us, evolve and deteriorate. Also like us, these pieces become more themselves, therefore more beautiful, with age. Mer inspiration på

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Hej, kul att du tittar in och skriver en rad! Uppskattar att höra andras åsikter & synpunkter. Välkommen åter /Lisbeth
