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Time Tracker Virtual Appliances

Time Tracker virtual appliances are pre-configured, ready-to-run web applications coupled with a database. They come in several forms:
  • VMware virtual machine.
  • Docker based appliance.
  • Custom ISO image for automatic install.
  • Custom installs on your own hardware.
You can download trial versions using the insructions below. Trial versions usually work for 30 days and are limited to 10 users.

Buy Time Tracker Appliance

You can buy a Time Tracker appliance as a monthly subscription or as a one time purchase. Pricing is per user and is the same for all appliances. However, there is an additional cost for Custom installs, where we have to install and configure the appliance on your hardware.

Buy Time Tracker Virtual Appliance

Free Trial - VMware

Anuko Time Tracker VMware Virtual Appliance is a ready to run VMware application pre-packaged with an optimized operating system (Rocky Linux) into a virtual machine. It utilizes VMware infrastructure and is configured to run a stable version of Time Tracker. You can download VMware trial using wget:
$ wget -c https://www.anuko.com/download/time-tracker/tt-trial-vmware.zip
You can also copy the link above in your browser address bar for direct download. Use this with caution as the file is large.
Time Tracker virtual appliance console in VMware after start
Time Tracker virtual appliance console after start

To use Time Tracker in the appliance: download, unzip it, start it up, and then point your browser to its IP address.

Free Trial - Docker

This appliance consists of two Docker mages: a web application and a database. We also provide a docker-compose.yml file to start it up. Both images and docker-compose.yml are packaged in one zip file. You can download Docker trial using wget:
$ wget -c https://www.anuko.com/download/time-tracker/tt-trial-docker.zip
You can also copy the link above in your browser address bar for direct download. Use this with caution as the file is large.

To use Time Tracker appliance with Docker:
  • Make sure that both docker and docker-compose are installed.
  • Unzip the files.
  • Load images.
  • Run the appliance.
# unzip tt-trial-docker.zip
# docker load -i tt_trial_docker.tar 
# docker-compose up

Free Trial - Custom ISO

Appliance in this form is a customized ISO image to download, burn onto a DVD, and install from it. You can get the image as so:
$ wget -c https://www.anuko.com/download/time-tracker/tt-trial.iso
You can also copy the link above in your browser address bar for direct download. To install the appliance:
  • Make sure the system has Internet connectivity because some components need to be downloaded.
  • Boot from the media and select the TOP install option: Install Time Tracker appliance - ERASE DISK. WARNING: Installation process is destructive as it erases the entire disk. It does not require user interaction and is designed for unattended install.
  • In the end, the system will ask for a reboot by printing a message. Remove installation media before rebooting.
You can use Time Tracker by connecting a browser on another computer to the system IP, which is displayed on screen. Default root password is: anuko_pw.

Free Trial - Custom Install

You can also order a custom install of a trial version of Time Tracker Virtual Appliance on your own hardware. The trial version installed in this way is free of charge during your evaluation period. However, you still need to pay for the installation.

Buy Time Tracker Virtual Appliance