asklaila - Merchant Centre

Merchant Centre

Boost your business with Asklaila!

We are Asklaila, India's local information service that connects consumers with information about their city. We provide comprehensive information relating to business establishments as well as events taking place across 6 cities Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi-NCR, Chennai, Hyderabad and Kolkata. Asklaila is the premium local info partner for Airtel, Hindustan Times and MSN.We recently added more cities taking our total to 12. We now have local info for you in Ahmedabad, Pune, Goa, Mysore, Jaipur and Coimbatore!

Advertise on Asklaila!

We are a platform for businesses and merchants to reach consumers. Asklaila can help you connect to customers instantly! With us, you can:

  • Generate business leads
  • Advertise special offers for your consumers
  • Create a customised webpage for you business with a logo, photos and business description

 Be there when consumers look for  you! Advertise in Asklaila

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Want Asklaila to help hundreds of potential customers find you?
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I Dr R Prasad, customer of Asklaila from past 10 months has been satisfied with the service related to website viewing and the queries asked by the customer. In future , I would suggest you to help me getting more and more clients coming across to the clinic

Dental Health Clinic
Bangalore - Nov 11, 2009