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North Avenue Education - Premium Tutoring for LD Students

Founded in 2013, North Avenue is an in-person and online tutoring company specializing in individuated test preparation, study skills, and academic tutoring. We believe every student can be prepared for a vibrant future.

Dr. John Fleming, C.Psych.

Dr. John Fleming is a psychologist in private practice in Toronto, Ontario with more than 25 years of experience in the treatme...

Action Adventure with ADHDer & Worldwide Coach Henry Lam For Achievers, the Smart, & STEMSS
Action Adventure with ADHDer & Worldwide Coach Henry Lam For Achievers, the Smart, & STEMSS

Transform From Lost Looper To ADHD Captain! Unleash Your Full Potential and Soar To Your Best Life With ADHD! I help strengt...

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DocTom Coaching for ADHD Adults and College Students

Set up a free 15-minute conversation to explore whether working together might be a good fit. To schedule directly, go to: https://bit.ly/DocTom-15 Or call or text: 603-397-2681 Or email: doctomcoaching@gmail.com

Featured EventEvery Thursday

Comedy Writing Classes for Mental Health - For Teens
Comedy Writing Classes for Mental Health - For Teens

Two Experiential Trainings Per Month with Two Different Group Events that are coaching and writing based. Meaning you aren't ju...

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