Nancy Ajram » 7

Nancy Ajram
Buy the album 7 Buy the single Fe Hagat
Fe Hagat:

Fi Hagat titHas o matit'alsh,
O in geet aTlibha ana ma'darsh
O law ent 3miltaha b3ad ma ana Tilibtaha mayinfa3sh
Fi Hagat titHas o matit'alsh,
Toja3 fil alb o matbansh
WafDal 3ala Tool ta3bana ma bain
Tab a'oulak wala ma'oulaksh

Ma'darsh a'oulak ghayer kol Tari'at Hubak liya
Ay gheer 3alaya wala faji'ni fi mara hatli hadeya
Ela 3eineya ba3mil Haga ana mosh 3arfaha

Ma'darsh a'oulak Hali eldonya fi 3aini o ghayar fiya
Law mahma kont urayib mini o kont utrayab liya
Ma'darsh a'oulak shakl Hayatna eli ana 3ayzaha
A3raf liwaHdak shakl Hayatna eli ana 3ayzaha

Aw'at beyban eni skit, wihdeet wirDeet wit3awidt
Mosh a3na kida enak 3ala Tool tiHsibni eni estaslimt
O sa3at bitHis eni zhi't, ma3 eni bakhabi eni t3ibt
MatwaSalneesh ya Hbibi a'oul da yaritni etkalimt

Arabic Text:

فى حاجات تتحس ومتتقلش وان جيت اطلبها انا مقدرش
ولو انت عملتها بعد ما انا اطلبها يبقى مينفعش
فى حاجات تتحس ومتتقالش توجع فى القلب ومبتبانش
وافضل علطول تعبانه مابين طب اقولك ولا مقولكش

مقدرش اقولك غير كل طريقة حبك ليا
او غير عليا ولا فجأنى فى مرة وهاتلى هديه
الا عنيا بعمل حاجه انا مش عارفاها

مقدرش اقولك حلى الدنيا فى عينى وغير فيا
لو مهما كنت قريب منى وكنت قريب ليا
مقدرش اقولك شكل حياتنا اللى اانا عيزاها
اعرف لوحدك شكل حياتنا اللى انا عيزاها

اوقات بيبان انى سكت وهديت ورضيت واتعودت
مش معنى كده انك علطول تحسبنى انى استسلمت
وساعات بتحس انى زهقت مع انى بخبى انى تعبت
متوصلنيش ياحبيبى اقول ده ياريتنى اتكلمت


There are things that are felt and not spoken
And when I want to ask for them, I can't
And if you do them after I ask for them,
Then there’s no use
There are things that are felt and not spoken...
That hurt the heart but don’t show
And I stay tired all the time...
Between telling you or not saying a word

I cant tell you to change your whole approach of loving me
Or have some jealousy towards me
Or surprise me once and bring me a gift
Or that my eyes experience something I haven’t done before

I cant tell you to make the world a more beautiful place in my eyes
And change things in me
No matter how close you are to me and from me
I can't tell you the way I want our life to be
You should know for yourself the way I want our life to be

Sometimes it appears that I have stayed quiet...
And calmed down, pleased, and gotten used to it
This doesn’t mean that you think I have given up
And sometimes you feel that I have gotten bored of this
Though I'm just hiding the tiredness
Oh my love, don’t let me reach to a stage where I say,
“I wish I had spoken and said something”

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