B-litter born 2005-06-20

Sire: CH, SaskaKhans Alnair, MCO n22
Dame: IC Davrica Silvina, MCO fs 09

Kitten pedigree (MCO-database)
Inbreeding: 4,81 %(complete)
Inbreeding: 0,365 (9. gen.)
Top 5: 46,9 %
Clones: 17,1 %

All the kittens have adopted new families!

Name Sex Colour Photos
Bianca Female Blacksilvertortiemackrel w white 1-4 v   5-8 v   10, 12 v
Bella Donna Female Blacksilvertortiemackrel 1-4 v   5-8 v   10, 12 v
Beyonce Female Blacksmoke 1-4 v   5-8 v   10, 12 v
Balthazar Male Redsilvertabby 1-4 v   5-8 v   10, 12 v

Proud mother with her four babies on Monday the 20th of June 2005