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Microsoft Shopping Campaigns (Bing)

How to set up a product feed for Bing Shopping


The detailed, step-by-step instructions below will show you how to list your products in Bing Shopping using our data feed service.

Here is a summary of the steps:

  1. First, create a Store and Feed in your Microsoft Ads account.
  2. Next, create a Standard feed in your account on our site, which will automatically upload the feed file daily by FTP.
  3. Finally, create a Microsoft Shopping Campaign to display the ads.

Multiple Stores

If you have multiple stores, you can manage them all from within one Microsoft Ads account. (Microsoft Ads was previously known as Bing Ads, Bing Shopping, and Microsoft Adcenter. Bing Rich Captions are no longer supported.)

Sign up for Microsoft Ads

  1. If you have not already, sign up for Microsoft Ads.
  2. Add a credit card under Billing & Payments > Payment methods (You will not be charged anything unless you set up pay-per-click ad campaigns.)

Register a Data Feed in Microsoft Ads Merchant Center

  1. Log in to Microsoft Ads
  2. Go to Tools > Merchant Center
  3. Click the Create Store button.
  4. Enter your Store Name and Store Description.
  5. Select a Domain validation method and Destination URL. (If you haven't already, then you will need to verify and claim the website URL using the instructions on the site.)
  6. Check the box for Use SSL Checkout so that it says Yes
  7. Click the Next button
  8. Leave the Block aggregators checkbox unchecked and click the Next buton.
  9. Enter your email address and click the Create store button
  10. Click on the Feeds tab in the left side-bar.
  11. Click on Default Catalog.
  12. Click on Update feed.
  13. Change Input method to Upload via FTP/SFTP
  14. Type in bingshopping exdactly into the File name box. Do NOT include any file extension.
  15. Click the Update feed button.
  16. Click the Feeds link in the breadcrumbs at the top
  17. Click the Settings link in the left sidebar.
  18. On the FTP/SFTP tab, enter a Username and New/Confirm Password. We suggest that you use your store name as the Username. The password must contain at least one number and one symbol, e.g. password1$ Make a note of the FTP username/password, because you will need to enter that into the feed settings on our site.
  19. Click the Submit button.
  20. If your store offers free shipping, click the Shipping (US Only) tab and check the Free Shipping checkbox.

Create a Standard Feed

  1. Go to My Account > Add Feed.
  2. Enter your Store Name, select the Bing Shopping Template, and click Create Feed.
  3. Continue to Modify Settings, and configure the Source Settings.
  4. Enter the FTP Username and FTP Password from the FTP/SFTP Settings tab in your Microsoft Merchant Center account. Set the submission frequency to Daily. Click Update to save the settings.
  5. Run a submission task to perform your first upload.
  6. Remember to set up and fund your Microsoft Shopping Campaign.

How long does it take to get listed?

Prior to publication through Microsoft Ads all initial feeds must undergo and pass an editorial review. This process may take up to three weeks. Accurate MPN/UPC data may speed up the process.

You will receive an email from Microsoft Ads once they activate your account. You will need to set up a Microsoft Shopping Campaign with a daily budget and bid.

Contacting Microsoft Ads Support

Please use the Microsoft Ads Contact and Support page if you have any questions about the status of your listings.

Bing Product Categories - What are they and how do I set them?

In the Bing product_category field, you can use Google Product Categories directly. Bing no longer has their own product taxonomy. To configure the field, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to My Account > Manage Feed > Taxonomy Search on our site.
  2. Look up an appropriate category for your products.
  3. Go to My Account > Manage Feed > Define Fields on our site.
  4. Click Edit next to the product_category field.
  5. Enter the category into the Default Value box.
  6. Click Update to save the settings.
  7. Resubmit the feed from the Tasks > Submit a Task menu item.

Alternatively, you can add a custom field to your store catalog called "bing-product-category", and fill in the appropriate category there. You can also subscribe to our Categorization Service.

Checking the status of a Bing Shopping data feed

Use the following steps to check the status of your Bing Shopping data feed listings.

Verifying Feed Submissions

  1. Log in to Bing Ads.
  2. Go to Tools > Bing Merchant Center.
  3. Click on your Store Name.
  4. Click on the Store Summary tab.
  5. The Product Overview graph will show you approved/disapproved listings. Look at the Store info > Status for any error messages. It should say Approved.
  6. Look at the Store reports section for any downloadable reports. (For example, a report will be generated if the uploaded file name does not match the catalog file name.)
  7. Click the FTP Settings tab.
  8. Verify that the FTP account status is Active.
  9. Click on the Catalog Management tab.
  10. Next to your Catalog Name, the Status column should the list number of items inserted successfully.
  11. Click on your Catalog Name.
  12. In the Recent files section, look for daily uploads with a status of Product catalog received and OK.
  13. In the Product offers section, you will see the number of offers published and not published, or a message like Feed processing will be completed shortly.
  14. If there are rejected offers, click the Download details link next to the rejected item count to get a spreadsheet of item errors. You can get additional information by downloading the other reports.

Viewing your Items in Bing Search Results

  1. Go to Bing Search and search by one of your product titles.
  2. If Product Ads are working, you will see your ads in the display ad areas of the search results. Note that your Product ads campaign must be active, account funded, bid sufficiently high, daily budget not exhausted, etc., in order for the ads to display.

Contacting Bing Shopping

Currently, Bing only offers chat and phone support, both of which are accessible via the Bing Ads website.

What is Bing Shopping?

Bing Shopping is a major shopping venue linked to Microsoft's Bing search engine. Bing Shopping was previously free, but now is a pay-per-click comparison shopping engine.

Bing Shopping has gone through numerous incarnations, including Jellyfish, MSN Live ProductUpload, Bing Cashback, and Bing Rich Captions.

What are the links for Microsoft Ads?
How to grant Standard User access to your Microsoft/Bing Ads account
  1. Log into Microsoft Ads
  2. Click the Tools icon in the top-right, and select Account access in the menu that appears.
  3. Click the Invite user button on the User management tab.
    (If you only see the Direct Managers tab, then log out and log back in as an account administrator, or switch to the parent account.)
  4. Enter the following information:
    • First name: Aten
    • Last name: Software
    • Email: email address
    • Display Language: English - United States
    • Account Role: Standard User
    • Click Allow access to all current and future accounts
  5. Click the Send button.
