Browse the Unified Astronomy Thesaurus

Currently there are several ways to explore the UAT online; a hierarchical browse, an alphabetical browse, a sorting tool, and the API.

Browse Alphabetically: Scroll through an alphabetical list of terms in the UAT. Clicking on a specific term will bring up information, such as its broader, narrower, and related terms.

Browse the Hierarchy: This shows the thesaurus terms in context, and also lets you click in to see details on each term, such as scope notes and synonyms.

Search the UAT: Search for concepts in the UAT.  This finds full and partial matches of a search term within the list of UAT concepts.   Click on the UAT concept will bring up more information about it.

Download from GitHub: Download the source files for the UAT from GitHub. Each previous release has also been archived on GitHub, along with change notes.

UAT API: Provided by ARDC, this interface is optimized for extracting information about the UAT by scripts and programs.