Junkfood Remade: Cheese-its

I’m so excited about this particular recipe because ANYONE can make this.  There are so few ingredients and so few skills involved that my kids basically made it all.  This means you can too.  I’ve been asked a lot lately for “easier meals” or “fast recipes” which is kind of discouraging to me because I feel like I have posted recipes that are both of those things.  But, in an attempt to meet half-way with people who want to start cooking, having never cooked much in the past, I offer you this recipe with love.

So, I had seen recipes before but saw a great look one on Pinterest here.  This recipe had the perfect cheese-it (or cheez-it) flavor if not better, some of my taste testers said.


(adapted from “Ready Made” and a few other sources)

8 ounces extra-sharp cheddar cheese, coarsely shredded

½ stick or 4 ounces unsalted butter,  room temperature

1 teaspoons kosher salt

1 cup flour

2 Tablespoons water, iced

This recipe has so few ingredients I put them in bowls so my kids could mix them lickety-splickety.

Kids are great at measuring.  Practice makes them understand fractions visibly instead of just in theory.  Makes sense, right?

Yet another awesome kid skill…grating.  When they are little, I think they believe it’s a magic trick and constantly check underneath to see if the trick is working.

Measure the cheese to get 8 oz, if it wasn’t already measured as an 8 oz. block.

Pre-measuring the ingredients helps to maintain the kids attention during cooking.

Cream the cheese, butter, and salt until combined.  Add the flour until it looks like the above.  Then, slowly add the water until the dough forms a ball.  It may take 15 seconds or so for the dough to make the ball after you add the water so be careful not to add much more (I added a T. more).

Pat the dough in a disk and put in the fridge for an hour. Then, roll out the dough until it’s 1/8 of an inch.

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees

Cut them in 1″ squares.  You can see by the lines that i let my kids help cut them out.  They LOVED the pastry wheel.

I put the better looking ones on this tray and saved the weird ones for the next tray.  Poke a hole in them with a chopstick and bake for

12 minutes.

Immediately test your product to make sure they are safe to feed other people, but be sure to actually share them.

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