ArtComputer's Java page
Calendar Process Tracker Java Version JDBC Servlet ErrorDialog

Process Tracker

How do you start a program from Java (eg: a compiler) and keep track of the output? The answer is that you need to read two streams simultanously. The streams are standard-out and standard-error. Thus, you need to start a thread for each of these.

Here is a class that does that and merges the two streams to a given output stream:

Which Java is your browser running?

No Java support at all!


Holy hand grenades! Where is the plug-in page?

Page that drops a Java 2 plugin into your browser.

JDBC Servlet

Currently this is just a little servlet that I didn't wrote in the first place. I've found it useful, however, so I fixed a bug and added a feature.

The code was originally written by Anders Kristensen, but when I discovered the bug, he said that he didn't maintain it anymore. So here it is, version 1.1 of

It allows you to connect to a database, given the JDBC URL to it. It serves the first page itself, so all you have to do is to install the servlet and point your browser to it, e.g. "http:://myserver/servlet/JdbcGateway".