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Megasquirt to Motronic adapter board give you the possibility to live-tune your Motronic injection the same way you would with a Megasquirt installation, but with only a fraction of the price.

Basic MS1 to Motronic adapterboard. 

 The solution is a small adapter board containing the essentials to get the Megasquirt MCU up and running. This adapter board is then connected direct to the main board of the Motronic box via small cables.

This way you use the already made cirques on the Motronic for reading all the sensors and controlling the ignition and injectors.

MSII adapter board mounted in a  Motronic case from an Opel Omega.
Controlling Injection and Ignition + adding Boost controller.

 In addition you will get Boost control, Open loop correction, NOS-control, Dual table and all the other cool stuff that comes with Megasquirt.

The function will be the same as for Megasquirt, using your favorite software Megatune or Tunerstudio.









This adapter board is working with both MS1 MCU and the newer MSII MCU board.

Testing with the latest MS3 board will be starting A.S.A.P.