Installation instructions
1. Make sure you have enough disk space ! You need at least 60 Mb. The system requires about 35 after it is installed. The downloaded disk images need nearly 15Mb. The setup program, expanded from the installation disk images, needs about 15Mb. Once expanded, you can delete the disk images. Once installed, you can delete the setup program.

2. Download each executable file to a folder. The default is C:\Comwin, but, changing to another disk, or folder name, should not be a problem.

3. Double click on each file in explorer to run it.

4. If you do not want to accept the C:\setup\Disk_x default destination for the unzip operation, change each destination in the same way. Otherwise, the install program will not be able to find all of its components.

5. Click on close to get rid of each of the unzip windows. HINT: It is easier to run the exe files and to unzip the installation files, using the keyboard rather than the mouse, if you accept the defaults. You can select the first file with the mouse, then press enter. Wait for the program to run. If you press enter too fast here you can cancel it. Press enter to close the completed window, and again to close the unzip window, then down arrow to select the next file. Then enter, enter, wait, enter, enter, down arrow, enter, enter, wait, enter etc.

6. If you have an older version of the software installed, this may be your last chance to save it ! If you want to use the upgrade procedure to save your old data files now is the time to make your backups, read the manual, or, start the old version and read the help text describing how to upgrade to a newer version.

7. With windows Explorer find the Setup.exe file (normally in C:\setup\Disk1) and run it.

8. Follow the instructions.

9. Click on Start, Programs, Comwin 3.x, Comwin 3.x.

10. Log in with user id "Comwin" and no password.

11. This is the end of the installation instructions, if you are planning on upgrading an older version of Comwin and want to import your old data. Instructions for doing that are in the help text and in the manual (installed on your hard disk during the previous Comwin set-up). This is also the end if you are not interested in seeing realistic statistics, and forecasts made from the demonstration data.

12. If you have downloaded the Article Statistics file and want to import it so that the demonstration data is more realistic, and the forecasts do not look stupid, because the statistics are zero ever since your release of Comwin was built, double click on the .exe file to unzip the statistics file to the directory where you installed Comwin.

13. Start Comwin and select Modules, System tools, Import/Export from the menu.

14. Select the Article Statistics table to be imported.

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