International Football History and Statistics

Quick links: is the official site of the Association of Football Statisticians.

This site is driven by a unique database of English and international football including the FIFA World Cup and FA Premier League since their inception.

11v11 is also a community hub for those interested in football history and statistics.

World Player Ranking

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On this day in football history

1929 The FA allowed the right of any Association, League, club player or official to defend himself against any allegation. The first personal hearing was that of Syd Puddsfoot, then with Blackburn Rovers, held in November 1929.
1934 Arsenal signed Wilf Copping from Leeds United. One of the hardest tackling wing halves of his day he returned to Leeds in 1939. During his playing career, 1930-1939, he was known as "the Iron Man" and played in 19 internationals for England. His Football League appearances numbered 337. After the War he served Coventry City, Bristol City and Southend United as trainer at various times.
1950 The Football League extended the number of clubs to 92. Shrewsbury Town and Scunthorpe and Lindsey United were admitted to the Northern section of the Third Division and Colchester United and Gillingham, ousted by Ipswich Town in 1938, to the Southern. The clubs met in their respective sections on the opening day of the following season and both matches ended as 0-0 draws.